EP 194: Time Is the Greatest Fight You Will Ever Have


How are you doing? If lice hasn’t touched your life this week you are likely doing better than I am.

Tuesday morning I saw what could possibly be lice nits in my kid’s hair just as we were leaving for school. Not going to lie, my first instinct was panic. As an elementary school teacher I have seen a lot of lice. I know it spreads quickly and requires a lot of follow through to get rid of it for good.

While we haven’t ever had to deal with lice at our house I didn’t want to add this monumental task to our already stretched thin capacity. My panic was brought on because I didn’t want this extra responsibility to fall on my shoulders as the default parent.

What is a Fair Play Facilitator to do?

Would I deal with this issue by myself? Is this MY problem to solve? Would I involve my spouse even though he’s in a really intense work period? Or would I make the decision to call in the experts and weigh my options to see what help I could get for the money I had to solve the issue?

In other words, whose time is more valuable?

In this week’s podcast, the Fair Play Fall Series continues. I am diving into the toxic time messages we’ve internalized and how Fair Play can help.

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