EP 215: Redefining Media and Midlife with Jennifer Cooper


March is a very emotional month for me: my mom died in March, my best friend’s (who died in 2020) birthday is in March, my birthday is in March, the anniversary of the beginning of the pandemic is in March. Every March I am reminded of how much time is passing because of these events: 9 years, 4 years, 54 years and 4 years…. March is really bittersweet for me.

How are you this late winter transitioning into spring?

This week in my Facebook group I asked what magazines people read when they were in their teens and early 20s. Turns out a lot of us read Seventeen. Lots of others read Sassy and Jane. Ms Magazine, Bitch, Bust got some shoutouts and even the ever nerdy Utne Reader.

Those magazines helped us feel less alone. We could find out what other GenXers or Millennials across the country were doing, thinking and feeling. We found parts of ourselves in those pages.

I asked because in this week’s podcast, I interviewed Jen Cooper, the founder of Jennifer Magazine.

About Jen:

Jennifer Cooper is the publisher and editor of the online magazine jennifermag.com. Supported by a diverse community of contributors, Jennifer Magazine is challenging the way women in media have been portrayed for far too long. It’s been called the anti-Cosmo for its decidedly intentional & revolutionary concept that women are whole, embodied people who have no desire to compete with one another. It’s authentic, empowered, raw, and beautiful, just like you. 

 I hope you’ll give my interview with Jen a listen. 

You can find all the episodes and show notes at www.tamihackbarth.com/podcast.

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