Episode 49: Enneagram Type 8

It’s been a WEEK. Anxious feelings have been hanging around me as a response to all the uncertainty and lack of leadership. I’ve been using all my tools to help me feel better:

  • deeply listening to my intuition about my health
  • sitting in the discomfort of disappointing people
  • canceling nonessential in person plans
  • Moving essential meetings to tech platforms I haven’t ever used before thus leaving me feel not confident
  • making sure I have necessary medication to manage my health conditions
  • going to bed early
  • eating all the fruits and vegetables
  • and of course washing my hands and trying to not touch my face. (Why is that so hard?!?)

In other words, I am practicing the hard parts of self-care for me. How are you feeling? Can I support you? Please join us in the 100% Guilt-Free Self-Care Facebook group. I am going live with self-care and kid wrangling tips Monday-Friday at 12:30 Pacific time. On this week’s show Holly and I uncover the good, the bad and the ugly for the Enneagram Type Eight - The Challenger. This is a type with a presence and a purpose. Strong and confident. Some use their power for good, others for evil. As always, we talk about the self-care practices which are specific to the Eights of the world to keep them in the healthy realm.

Are you an Ennegram Eight or know/work with one?

Here are some links for more information on Enneagram Eights.

If you have more questions about coaching with me, please let me know by hitting reply. No question is too small or weird. Trust me, I didn’t get it for a very long time - even after I’d worked with a coach!

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