
I love working with smart women who want more out of their lives than endless stress, worry and resentment.


Manage your stress.

Increase your happiness.

Have more patience with your kids.

Stop resenting your spouse and start getting what you want.

Stop worrying that everything is one step away from falling apart.

Prioritize yourself so you have more time to do what you’ve always dreamed of.

You are in the right place if:

>> you want to feel less stressed,

>> exercise more,

>> more have time to do things you enjoy,

>> stop yelling at your kids so much,

>> improve your relationships

>> and stop feeling like you are a hot mess.

(Because you aren’t, even if it feels like it)…

Apply for Satisfaction Sessions and Interview here

Satisfaction Sessions 6 Month Program:

Together we determine your customized plan of getting you the satisfaction you want in your life. This is the plan where we dig deep into your life as it is now and see where you’d like to make changes.

We can keep it completely open session to session and dig for meaning with what comes up OR you can create a plan (with my help) to determine specific areas of focus.


  • Focus 1: Cultivating hope and gratitude
  • Focus 2: Time management and focus
  • Focus 3: Clarity around your professional life

We begin with a self-care assessment to determine where your self-care is now and where it needs to be in order for you to thrive in your life.

This a natural place for beginning work on building hope and gratitude practices. Values and Vision: Together we determine what is most important to you and what you’d like your life to look and feel like now and in the future.

We’ve only got one life and we’ve got about half of it left. Living the last half with more intention is my plan.

Sounds like yours too. Clarity and Confidence: Exploring what is important to you in terms of your career and personal life including your health.

Making conscious choices in how you invest your time and energy to make sense in your life both at home and at work.

Apply for Satisfaction Sessions and Interview here

Let's Work Together


The Essential Guide to 100% Guilt-Free Self-Care

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1x1 Coaching

I love working with smart women who want more out of their lives than endless stress, worry and resentment.

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Deferred Maintenance

What if your dreams could come true and you finally could feel less like shit?

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